Pinku Update #2 : Hair & Music [said to the rhythm of Kiss & Music by Perfume]

It is interesting that when I’m not blasting my every thought into the digital aether, when I want to catch up - I feel I actually have something to say.

Over the weekend, I decided it was time for an update. I had bleached and dyed my hair for the realse of NTTY. The red is completely faded now and I was going back and forth on if I want to redye the red or return to the dark brown that has always felt comfortable to me. I decided it was time for both a haircut and color:


You can see that the red on the ends held on juuust a touch, but they’ll grow out soon anyway so I’m okay with that. It feels good to have my head back to one color. The shade of brown is only subtly different, but I can notice and it feels nice! People are always surprised when I tell them that I’ve cut and colored my own hair for years. It’s just something I got into the habit of doing. I used a henna hair dye for the brown color.


If you missed our stream last Saturday, this is the painting that we did! I had a lot of fun with it. We will stream again this week, but Wednesday (tomorrow) rather than today, as we’re celebrating my brother’s birthday.

I’ve started on a few new projects this weekend that I am really excited to share with you.~ I won’t spoil them until we are close to their completion though. ;)

I do feel a bit like I am in a cave, occasionally coming out with a megaphone saying “HELLO, HOW ARE YOU? I’M STILL ALIVE, OK BYE.” hahahaha. I’m feeling good about the direction I’m going right now, so I must be doing something right. It’s slow-moving, but it’s progress.

Each week that I send you this little update, I want to give you a new song to listen to. Please share one with me in the comments. :) This week is Fighting Pose by Daoko. You can turn on the English subtitles on the video, as well. It feels like an understanding hug.

I hope you keep fighting. ♥

Love & stars,
