Pinku Update #3 : Events Announcements & The Rain

Maybe you noticed, but I’ve slowly been trying to let myself be active on socials again. However, I am noticing myself falling into bad habits already. Especially because I have a lot (of exciting things!) going on that have left me a little stressed.

It’s definitely a learning process and I’m going to pull back again. It’s an ebb and flow and I have to listen to my body. But that’s okay! We’re all constantly learning how to exist with our minds, right?

That being said - one of the exciting things has recently got announced, I’ll be performing at Otakon in a few weeks during their IdolSpace content. I have more to announce surrounding this event, but for now please look forward to my collaboration stage with Jenni Bon & Sona Dira. The idea of standing on stage again soon has got me motivated as nothing else can. I will be doing my best to livestream the event for anyone who is unable to make it, and I will definitely be recording it! Please root for us.

It has been raining for nearly 3 days straight now in Phoenix. You can imagine the flooding and power outages, thankfully neither of which have affected my immediate area. The rain has brought a slight reprieve from the heat, and the sound is incredibly soothing, but I still find myself feeling a bit drained. I want to be the type of person who feels energized by the rain, but it seems like every time it comes, my energy plummets! It may be the aforementioned habits, but I’ve definitely noticed a trend. Even if my energy is low, it is still beautiful.

But I’m working hard still to follow through on my current plans. Just allowing myself to be kind to my brain in the process.

How do you feel when the rain comes?

This posts’ song is Perfume’s latest single, which I’ve had on repeat almost nonstop:

…and yes I’m hoping to cover the dance soon ♥

Stay kind to yourself.

Love & Stars,
