Okay, but is this really necessary?

It may seem a bit silly to launch a website, and even a blog, when I have so many other forms of media on the internet already. And really, it's not like I have a ton of reason to launch a website.

But aside from the fact that I enjoy building websites, I figured it would be a good idea to keep all of my little tidbits across the internet in one place. You know, just in case. And it's a simple place to send people too, since my separate social media have seemed to be for 'different things', but I really am a whole picture type of person. My YouTube or my Twitter or my Instagram don't explain me or what I enjoy doing. It's all of them together! 

And I'm not really even sure that a blog is something that people even read or care about these days but the 140 characters on Twitter isn't enough for me to talk about things sometimes. So having one more place to express my thoughts or talk about what I've been up to lately I think would be fun! There are things I've had on my mind that I wanted to bring up, but I thought would be too dull for a YouTube video and too long for Twitter. You would think...Facebook, right? Perfect! 

But Facebook is dead so who cares. 
I am convinced that everyone is going to leave Facebook any day now. So, I've got to express my longer thoughts somewhere! 

Even if no one reads this, that's okay! It will be fun for me to look back on at some point. Here's to a new chapter in Pinku-ness. ♥ 

Also be sure to check out my store where I'll be releasing new keychains (and maybe other things in the future?) every month! 

Love & Stars,
Alex ピンク

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